Here is the basic message for    our profound healing with flower essences

* How to use flowers, crystals, dolphins, whales, sea essences. If you want to explore more, this page is for you. *

Advice on Some Point

When can we take Flower Essences?

 4 times a day, & intuitively.


◎You can hang 3 or 4 (maxim7) drops of your essence bottle under your tongue, or drink with a cup of water or tea.  Flower Essences are inodorous.  


◎You can take basically 3 or 4 times & anytime intuitively in a day. 1 essence bottle for 1 issue will finish drinking within about 3 or 4 weeks. 


What's about our Positive Expectation?


◎ Increase virtue. (Focus on positive and love inside of you.) 

◎ Alignment. (Life purpose, higher priority, divine order.)

◎ Getting inner balance. (Emotional body's balance, getting balance of our body, mind and soul.) 

◎ Protection. (For any level.)

◎ Taking care of hidden emotion. (Sudden shock, hidden sadness or anger, trauma.)

◎ Transformation. 

◎ Self-awareness in the process. (Clear

 intention, self-observer. self discovery.)

◎ Feel to be supported. (Mother nature,

family, soul group, guardian angels, invisible positive connection.)

                                et cetera.



This healing method is not a doctor's medical treatment, and it is not intended to guarantee a specific effect. 

It is allowed to take Essences and medical care at the same time. Sick condition often comes from the inner situation. It's up to you whether you will take both, your regular medical treatment and the flower essences.  In some cases, it is sometimes necessary for you to take your home doctor's consent. We can talk and discuss for your personal case in the therapy session.  


How to work Flower Essences in your system

 ◎Flower essences healing function for physical level, emotional level, mental level and spiritual level. After you begin to drink an appropriate essence, a content of essences, in short, the Flower's vibrations will convey to your physical body, and begin to work within your energy body, in other words, invisible your light body. 

The energetical transmutation of your vibrational healing process will  return to your physical body state in your aura system, in the end.
◎Just like any other healing method, flower essences can heal for your issue which is related with something after coming to your biological mother's womb.
If the issue is related to subconscious level's your past lifetime which is beyond your earth-birthday on this lifetime, you will be suggested to stay at presence and try to find what will be the most important inner guidance for you. 
◎In the process of vibrational change, you may adjustment your personal energy balance.
You may find the clue for your happier state, such as getting clear inner insight or try to bring something new habit in your life stage.
The resonance and synchronicity between you and flower essence is energetically quite interesting. Many people experience detox and transformation of the physical body including cell level and emotional healing.
The inner watcher is always you as the user. You can observe, embrace and nourish your healing process. You may feel surprising, curiosity, patience, and compassionate within you.    


【About Dr.Bach】

Dr. Edward Bach (1886~ 1936) created " Flower Essences Therapy " for the first time in our modern world. He produced 38 kinds of Flower Essences. Thereafter, various legal essences are made by many producers.


◎Dr. Bach's inspired quotes. 

『Treat the cause not the effect. 』『 Humans have a soul which is their real higher self, a divine, all mighty. 』『 Disease is the result of conflict between soul and mind and will never be eradicated except by spiritual and mental effort. 』