「銀河暦」では、2024年7月8日に、私達は、宇宙の再生の時期に入りました。 このポータルが開く日の前日に、突然、私は、自分の人生に、新しい可能生があることを感じて、しばらく、ぼおっとしていました。けれども、この瞬間を、見逃してしまいたくはなくて、訪れた再誕生の感覚に、同調し続けようとしていました。 自分の内側に宿っている、ストーリーを、手放そうとする時には、いつでも、十分な自己認識と、自己愛と、自分自身に対する、深い思いやりが、必要になります。 そして次のレベルの変化と、ライフレッスンへの、新しい個人としての旅を、実現していくように、導かれていくのだ、と思います。 「銀河暦」。。。「13の月の銀河の暦」と呼ぶ人達もいますが、どちらも同じです。けれども、古代文明のトラディショナルなマヤ暦、西洋カレンダーとしてのグレゴリオ暦、日本列島固有の暦のシステムとは、全く異なるものです。 この銀河暦の様々なタイプの本は、多くの言語に翻訳されて、出版されています。日本文や英文、または、他の言語で、既に、読まれている方々もいらっしゃるでしょうし、また、まったく理解できず、興味のわかない

Our Cosmic Re-birth Day 2024
In the "Galactic Calendar", we entered into the Cosmic Rebirth on July 8, 2024. The day before the cosmic re-portal day, I suddenly got aware of a new possibility in my life. I was in a bit of absent minded, bur I didn't want to miss this new inner calling. I felt I have to tune into my rebirth here and now. When we need to let go of our old stories, we always need self-awareness and self-compassion. We will be guided to manifest our personal new journey for the next level of shift and

Blogging again now. ブログ再開です。
Thank you for visiting my blog page. I have started blogging again. 私のブログページを、開いてくださりまして、ありがとうございます。 また、ブログを始めました。

This is a beautiful labyrinth-No.3
Transparency of your tear drops are divine in your sacred body. Go ahead with yourself. This is my story of inner transformation. This is one picture of my healing journey. I decided again, and yet, I feel completely different from my will. We often do that in our healing journey. That's life. A kind of person who can observe ourselves kindly in our own big picture and seek happiness is fine. This is a labyrinth. That was a beautiful labyrinth.

This is a beautiful labyrinth-No.2
And, count the blessings in your recent life whenever you are caught in the trap of nightmares. Find what was the highlight for you then and embrace them in the sacred space with your inner pillars. Ask for help to be free. Free yourself from the disharmony that is plaguing you. In the greater sense of gratitude and beloved, you can flow and seek help and find what makes you happier. Time is divine now.Our future happens from the present. Love your body. We are divine children.

This is a beautiful labyrinth- No.1
This is a labyrinth.That was a beautiful labyrinth. This is my story of inner transformation. Have you felt the teardrops falling from your eyes? From the void? True? Or from the inner sky in your heart? Isn't it a sorrow from your pure soul? When the new invisible door opened silently, did you feel that? Did your mind pattern try to ignore that? Do you want to forget the sign of a new portal in the busy life? Trust your intuitive feeling. Love yourself with your inner sovereignty.