(In English & In Japanese)
(英文の次に、日本文があります。 )
Around 2012, many people from overseas visited Dr. Masaru Emoto's laboratory, and he received many requests to make the water crystals in the shape of their respective religious faith symbols or the flags of their countries. I once saw a video of them looking very satisfied at the finished water crystal.
I have seen a photo of the water crystals of Pink Dolphin Essence of PHI Essence by Dr.Emoto. The producer of PHI Essence ,Mr. Andreas・korte show
(In English & In Japanese) (英文の次に、日本文あります。)
I will share some videos of “ The Water Crystals
by Dr. Masaru Emoto(1943.7.22~2014.10.17).
Please enjoy seeing them.
“Hey, are you there? Do you know? It's already 2025."
“ Yes, I know. Today is January 20 in 2025. It took me to continue to move beyond the weirdness of the 3D reality.”
By the way, I recently knew that the call at the tug- of war is originally French . I remember to hear ”oh, is.” in my Japanese school sports festival.
It is coming from “ Oh ,hisse” in fact. It means, ”Oh hoist, hoist the sails."in French language.
How interesting that tug-of-war is obviously an athletics event, but the
ところで、日本の多くの学校の運動会の綱引きで使われている、Oh hisse
(オーイス) という、掛け声についてです。
実は、その掛け声って、フランス語の、Oh hisse、に由来しているそうです。「海を走る船の旗を上げなさい、帆を上げなさい」という意味だそうです。
“ Dear the Beloveds, It’s the time for you to reset !
Try to say, Thank you, thank you, thank you, 3 times. Feel better? "
I will release some of my conditioned drama and helpless patterns. I want a new page in my life and I surrender to a new self-image. I will make time to do the inner work.
Dear my guardian angels, please help me to gain clarity and understand more about this inner work with my self compassio
At "Peace be with you."
(In my reflection for today.)
Love is all you need.
It is never for the sense of a spiritual mask.
Since we only know a small part, a very tiny parcel of others, at first, each other, so we will learn to have peace in God at first.
May you be at peace with yourself in spirit.
When there is positive synchronicity between someones, something better may happen.
Some part of your expectations may not happen. Some unexpected new things may happen. Let it happen.
♬One little girl had the red shoes. She was taken away by a foreigner.
I imagine she now has blue eyes in the foreigner's country....♬
I suddenly remembered this famous nostalgic Japanese song.
This is not a story about full Christmas cakes in the Japanese towns this season.
" We are not interested in Christmas, sorry, Naomi."
" ( What )? "
"We just like to eat a delicious cake. "
" Ah, I see. Many Japanese people have dexterous hands. I think the Japanese bake some amazing cakes
- In my simple prayer with the Holy Spirit, after my meditation with Our Lady of Fatima ...and also the Cosmic Sun of our solar system, our source of love and The Great Central Sun-.
I would like to make an opportunity to introduce Akita Mary to those who don't know yet well. Here it is! It may be helpful for some of you to live Christ consciousness wherever you are on this planet. Yes, for me, I think it also saved me and made me feel like life is easier to live, even if I have bad days.
I introduce these exercises for people who are interested in our inner female energy & our inner male energy.
Have you seen only your right eye in a mirror? Have you seen only your left eye in a mirror? Have you observed the difference of each eye's look?
We all have the female energy and the male energy beyond gender, within each of us. The inner female part relates to the left side of our body. The inner male part relates to the right side of our body.
Thanks to recent dedicated researchers, we came to know that dolphins don't sleep like humans and other land animals. Even when they are sleeping, one side of their brain, either the right brain or the left brain, is always awake.
When I drank the Pink Dolphin Essence for the first time, I suddenly felt so happy, and remembered my playfulness on the water such as my child's food.
I thought that I could recover my original joy at last. I was surprised
to feel fun,fun,and fun, but my