About the water crystals again?(水の結晶について、再び?)No.1

 (In English & In Japanese)                       (英文の次に、日本文あります。)  


 I will share some videos of “ The Water Crystals 

by Dr. Masaru Emoto(1943.7.22~2014.10.17).  

 Please enjoy seeing them. 




Dr. Emoto's footage from " Message from Water "

Via EMOTO PEACE PROJECT (Time / 03:49)

In English, Dr. Emoto is speaking in Japanese.



Masaru Emoto- Water Experiments

Via ThisIs 432    (Time / 05:00)

Are you interested to observe how water crystals change by human’s 

vibration, word, music and places?

There are the various shapes of water crystals on Shimanto river in Japan, spring water, Lourdes fountain in France, Polluted river in Japan, Music by Beethoven, Bach, and Chopin, Healing music, Heavy metal music and so on.





The hidden secrets of water

Via unXplained Enigmas ( Time / 19:08)

If you are interested and want to see more, here is this video. It's a bit long, but it's nice for you. You will be amazed by the experiment of how rice changes with the positive word- love, and negative words -  hate and ignore.



Love, Hate, Ignore(愛、憎しみ、無視)と書かれてあるラベルを貼った、ビンの中のお米が、それぞれどう変化していくのかを、観察する実験が、あります。なるほど~です。)