“Hey, are you there? Do you know? It's already 2025."
“ Yes, I know. Today is January 20 in 2025. It took me to continue to move beyond the weirdness of the 3 D reality.”

By the way, I recently knew that the call at the tug- of war is originally French . I remember to hear ”oh, is.” in my Japanese school sports festival.
It is coming from “ Oh ,hisse” in fact. It means,”Oh hoist, hoist the sails."in French language.
How interesting that tug-of-war is obviously an athletics event, but the call comes from the sea...!
I love this kind of sense. For some reason, this story on the tug -of-war was on my mind all through the New Year season in Japan.
And then, yesterday, I suddenly remembered the water crystals that became world famous through the research of Dr. Masaru Emoto. Ooh,what a wonderful memory!
I will post more about Dr. Emoto's research on the water crystals in my next blog.
There is an exercise that you can do: have a glass of clean water in front of you. And offer love and gratitude, and then slowly and quietly drink it all up.
After telling the water, "Thank you very much" and "I love you," take your glass of water and feel something positive within your cell aware.
Because 70% of our human body made up of water, we can feel a mysterious scientific change in our body. If you're curious, please give it a try.
In my case, I suddenly wanted to try it yesterday for the first time in a long time.
I felt as if I had hugged my twin flame and was filled with happiness, gratitude, and love.
I felt that I had returned to the stars,that is, I was here and now state on this planet. It was a calm and wonderful experience.
Then, little by little, I began to notice my recent stress and the practical issue and had to accept them.
Oh, we are dancing with the duality of this world.
We fluctuate between the extreme of love and hate, positive and negative.
If we try to erase either one, neither will be able to exist.
When I struggle to feel calm and at ease, but find myself trapped in the game of the infinite dance of duality, I may wonder if it's because of my getting illness or age problem and try to search the Internet for the cause.
However, I soon realize the futility of this and give up.
I begin to accept all the emotions that arise, shame, and shortcomings. I go deeper within myself.
And I will be guided to find what is the essential love from divine essence. I ask what is my higher self's inner guidance in the present moment.
The contents of a flower essence healing bottle are liquids imprinted with the vibrations of various flowers.
The water remembers and holds them.
We always say to the clients, “ Please stay grateful for the flower essences on your healing journey.”
There is a profound meaning behind this advice.
"Hey, are you still alive?
Are you going to continue this blog?"
"Yes, I will. But I think my business format will change a little."
My stance on my business plan idea will change a little.
Have a nice day to you !