It's a special New Moon reset.(特別なニュームーンリセット。)

“ Dear the Beloveds, It’s the time for you to reset ! 

Try to say, Thank you, thank you, thank you, 3 times. Feel better? "






I will release some of my conditioned drama and helpless patterns. I want a new page in my life and I surrender to a new self-image. I will make time to do the inner work.

Dear my guardian angels, please help me to gain clarity and understand more about this inner work with my self compassion, thanks.


If you feel like it, please try to carve out some quiet time. A little time for your personal stillness in this holiday season! Are you the type who wants that ?







My impression of these beautiful mermaid artworks is about  our soul feet.

That is not about the belief systems regarding borders or the cultural differences, but what is at the core of our souls.


May we all be hopeful, safe and happy in 2025. 




