↑”One little girl with red shoes.”「赤い靴はいてた女の子」
At Yokohama Yamashita Park (横浜山下公園)
♬One little girl had the red shoes. She was taken away by a foreigner.
I imagine she now has blue eyes in the foreigner's country....♬
I suddenly remembered this famous nostalgic Japanese song.
This is not a story about full Christmas cakes in the Japanese towns this season.
" We are not interested in Christmas, sorry, Naomi."
" ( What )? "
"We just like to eat a delicious cake. "
" Ah, I see. Many Japanese people have dexterous hands. I think the Japanese bake some amazing cakes. ( What's this change of topics ???? When can I get free from this kind of conversation? I 'll be an invisible person.)"
As a child-self, I had a vague idea that if I started baking cakes, my life would end and be ruined. My mother often bought delicious imported cakes and sweets. I loved eating small, delicious cakes alone in my room. I was a very intuitive child.
As an adult-self, I learned to bake cakes for somebody. I have been observed that there were a lot of wolves in the romantic town.
I felt like singing this song of children from time to time. Maybe I was remembering what was the divine child within me.
But, you see? There is a bit of a joke in this song. My black eyes never turn blue wherever I go.
♬赤い靴 はいてたア〜、女の子オ〜、異人さんに 連れられて、行っちゃった。今では 青い目になっちゃって 異人さんの お国に いるんだろう♬
「ああ、はあ、そうよね、日本人は、手先が器用な人が多いもんね。日本人は、本当に素敵な、おいしいケーキを、焼いて、売ってるもんね。(この話題の展開は、何だろう? いつになったら、この種の会話から、自由になれるのかナ?私は、透明人間になるようですネ。)」